[Recurring] Mend a Child’s Heart

Through Children’s Heart Project, Samaritan’s Purse Korea arranges for boys and girls born with heart defects in Mongolia to receive life-saving medical care and the unsurpassed hope of Jesus Christ.

Support for children’s heart disease surgery and spiritual care.

Ugandan boy Deo was a three-year-old baby, but even before he blossomed his life, he was diagnosed with congenital heart disease. However, through the Children’s Heart Project, Deo underwent pediatric heart surgery in the United States and was able to listen to the Gospel through Host churches and Host families. Deo is now healthy and proves Jesus’ love through his experience.

Through Children’s Heart Project, Samaritan’s Purse Korea provides life-saving medical care for boys and girls with heart defects in Mongolia by bringing them to Korea. Doctors, hospitals, and host families and churches donate their time and services, but approximately 3,000,000 KRW is needed to cover the costs for each child (airfare, interpreter fees, visa application, additional treatments, etc).

Project Locations

Mongolia, Bolivia, Nepal, and Uganda.


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