“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
– Matthew 6:19-21 NKJV –


A Christ-centered financial plan helps you wisely steward what the Lord has entrusted to you. Biblical generosity produces “the fruit that increases to your credit” (Philippians 4:17 ESV), so you can effectively accomplish what God leads you to do on earth while laying up treasures in heaven. This is the process of building a Godly legacy.

A legacy plan starts with “today” and extends beyond your lifetime as your resources are used to help hurting people and share the Gospel with those who have never heard. Person by person, your legacy plan makes an eternal difference.

The resources provided here will help you. Our legacy planning team also stands ready to assist.

Have you already included Samaritan’s Purse Korea in your Will or Trust?

Please tell us more about yourself by visiting the Legacy Partner page.

Legacy Planning Tools

Make a Will

Making a Will allows you, as a Godly steward, to make decisions for the benefit of your family and to follow the Lord’s leading with all He has entrusted to you. A Will can leave a lasting legacy for those you love and want to inspire. It might be easier than you think.

Charitable Gift Annuity

Many seniors make a substantial gift to Samaritan’s Purse Korea that provides them a generous fixed annuity for life. A Samaritan’s Purse Korea Charitable Gift Annuity also comes with helpful tax benefits. Using appreciated stock for this gift also avoids the impact of capital gains tax.

Consider A Stock Gift

Giving appreciated stock to Samaritan’s Purse Korea instead of cash can produce superior tax benefits. This gift enables many folks to give more than they otherwise could have by reducing their ordinary income taxes and avoiding capital gains taxes.

Asset-Based Giving

Giving the right asset, or a portion of an asset, can impact God’s Kingdom in a bigger way than you ever thought possible. With a legacy plan in place, more will go to ministry, and less to taxes. In some cases, your cash flow could even increase.

Have you already included Samaritan’s Purse Korea in your Will or Trust?

Please let us know.

Making a gift in your will

Where to Begin

What’s the biggest gift most people will ever make?
It happens in a moment. We take our last breath on earth, and then all our earthly possessions are given away according to the plan we made. It’s not really correct to say, “I don’t have a Will,” because the government already has one written for those who don’t write their own. For the person who follows Jesus, that final gift of all possessions can be anticipated with confidence. The one who plans wisely will hear the Lord’s joyful voice, “His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord” (Matthew 25:21, NKJV).

That appointment awaits each person. An up-to-date Will can offer peace of mind as you put in place the plan for blessing your family and the ministries you love. Perhaps, the largest gift you’ll ever give can be prepared thoughtfully and managed efficiently. If you have young children, you’ll have a plan in place naming who will care for them.

It may not be as difficult as you think to get an up-to-date Will. Here are some resources and information to help you get started:

This act of faithful stewardship will result in much thanksgiving to the glory of God.





“Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it” (Psalm 127:1 NKJV).

Pray & Read

Ask the Lord to inspire your heart and guide your steps with principles from His Word.

Prayer of a Good and Faithful Servant

Lord, the earth and everything in it is yours (Psalm 24:1)! Everything comes from you, and I have given you only what comes from your hand (1 Chronicles 29:14). You send poverty and wealth (1 Samuel 2:7). Have you not put a hedge around me and my household and everything I have (Job 1:10)?
Father, in your Word, you said it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful (1 Corinthians 4:2). And so Lord, I want to honor you with my wealth (Proverbs 3:9). I know that faith, if not accompanied by action, is dead (James 2:17). But unless I respond in love, I gain nothing (1 Corinthians 13:3). I am willing and my heart is moved to bring an offering to you Lord (Exodus 35:21).
Lord, you’ve called me to provide for my family (I Timothy 5:8), to provide for those who have instructed me in your Word (Galatians 6:6), to share with your people who are in need (Romans 12:13), and to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19).
May my service of giving to you—during and after my lifetime—supply the needs of your people and overflow in many expressions of thanks to you (2 Corinthians 9:12) so that one day I’ll hear you say to me, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” (Matthew 25:23). It is in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

What Does God Say About Providing for My Family?

  • Make provision for your loved ones.

    1 Timothy 5:8 reinforces the principle of responsibly providing for one’s family, following our heavenly Father’s example in caring for His children’s material, physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

  • Take steps to avoid interpersonal conflicts.

    "He who troubles his own house will inherit the wind, And the fool will be servant to the wise of heart" (Proverbs 11:29, NKJV).

  • Be cautious about leaving large inheritances to children.

    "An inheritance gained hastily at the beginning will not be blessed at the end" (Proverbs 20:21, NKJV).

  • Don’t store up excess resources you don’t need.

    "Then [the property owner] said, ‘I will do this: I will pull down my barns and build greater, and there I will store all my crops and my goods" (Luke 12:18, NKJV).

  • Use resources to reach people for Christ.

    Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness (2 Corinthians 9:10).

7 Practices of Effective Believers

Many books, webinars, and courses are offered to help people be more productive or effective, with varying degrees of success. But God’s Word promises success that will last. “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success” (Joshua 1:8). His precepts and principles teach us how to live effectively within God’s will and experience His blessings. Here are seven habits that are part of the abundant life Jesus came to give:
“True greatness is not measured by the headlines a person commands or the wealth he or she accumulates. The inner character of a person—the undergirding moral and spiritual values and commitment—is the true measure of lasting greatness.”
Billy Graham

1. Be Thankful

“In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (I Thessalonians 5:18). A steward’s heart is a thankful heart – cultivate gratitude for God’s big and small blessings, and rest on His promises during difficult times.

2. Trust God’s Provision

“Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy.” (1 Timothy 6:17). The only path to true peace is to put our trust in God, not our bank accounts or abilities.

3. Be Content

“Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have...” (Hebrews 13:5). Contentment isn’t getting what we want - it’s trusting that God has provided what we need. Contentment comes when we tune out our culture’s relentless pursuit for more and fix our eyes on Jesus who supplies all our needs.

4. Be a Faithful Example

“These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up” (Deuteronomy 6:6-7). Our children may fail to listen, but they often will imitate us.

5. Live Within Your Means

“I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13). We can live on less than we make by the power of the Holy Spirit. Even if we have plenty to live on, our spending choices should line up with God’s Word, will, and the opportunities He gives us.

6. Give Time and Talent

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms” (1 Peter 4:10). Effective stewards see their time and talents as precious gifts and use them to bless others, advancing God’s kingdom.

7. Give Treasure

“Honor the Lord with your wealth…” (Proverbs 3:9a). When we give, we demonstrate the depth of our loyalty to Christ and understanding of His grace. As our love grows, it pours from our lives in generosity and joyful giving to the things He cares about - during and after our lifetimes. How can we do this? By remembering to include the ministries we love in our Will. This practical way of “giving treasure” can extend our impact and effectiveness for generations to come.

Ways to Bless Your Family’s Future

  • 1

    Get a Will.

    When people start adding up the value of their home, life insurance, retirement accounts, and other property, they begin to see that even with a modest middle-class estate, a plan is needed that provides for their families and the ministries they love.

  • 2

    Reduce (or eliminate) unnecessary taxes and court costs.

    A Will can help reduce hassles and costs in the settling of your estate. Thoughtful planning with certain assets like retirement accounts can avoid taxes. This frees up more resources for your heirs and the Lord's work.

  • 3

    Decide who will manage and who will receive what you leave behind.

    Without a Will, our law determines who gets your possessions, and a court will decide who manages the process. On the other hand, your Will names the representative you trust to manage the money and things God entrusted to you, making sure your legacy gifts go to those you desire to bless.

  • 4

    Decide who will care for your children.

    If you have minor or special-needs children, a Will allows you to name the guardian of your children and a Trustee of the assets to provide for the children. If a court is left to make these decisions for you, your spiritual values may be disregarded.

  • 5

    Include “ministry” in your family.

    Your Will can be a powerful testimony to family, friends, and even legal and financial professionals. Including your spiritual "family" in your Will—namely your church and favorite Christian ministries such as Samaritan’s Purse Korea—is a wonderful way to express your values for generations to come!

What Happens if I Die Without a Will?

If you do not have a Will, Korea actually has one for you. Unfortunately, that means the law would determine (without your input):
  • Who will be the next steward of the resources God gave you
  • Who will care for your young children
  • Who will administer your estate
With a Will, you get to decide these things. In addition to making sure your family is provided for in your Will, you can also bless your spiritual “family” – including your church and favorite ministry organizations such as Samaritan’s Purse Korea.

When Should I Update My Will?

There are at least 10 life events that create the need to review and perhaps update your Will:
  • 1.
    Marriage or Divorce
  • 2.
    New baby, adopted children, or stepchildren
  • 3.
    Moving to another area
  • 4.
    Changing your mind about heirs
  • 5.
    Major changes in property ownership or financial assets
  • 6.
    Changes in Estate planning and estate tax law
  • 7.
    Death or disability of someone named in your Will
  • 8.
    Children have reached the age of 18
  • 9.
    You would like to provide for a ministry organization
  • 10.
    Change in health condition



Step 2


“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10 NKJV).


1. Collect Your Important Information.

You can save time and money when you go to the attorney’s office.

2. Make An Appointment With An Attorney.

A qualified attorney is in the best position to know the laws of Korea and to advise you on how best to accomplish what you want to do. Many estate plans can avoid or reduce unnecessary taxes on other tax-deferred assets with a well-considered plan, especially if you include the Lord’s work in your plan. In Korea, probate can be expensive and time-consuming, and a living trust can be a good idea. Generally, a trust also is a good idea if you own real property in more than one area. There are numerous factors to consider, and a wise attorney can be very helpful.

Some people don’t have a Will because they are concerned about the attorney’s fee. It might be less than you think, and you should feel free to ask him or her for an estimate in advance. Think of this as an investment that will almost certainly pay a nice return in the future. You’ll have the peace of mind that your will or estate plan will be effective when the time comes. We have seen too many situations where folks saved money up-front by not using an attorney, but there were problems with the plan they left that created unnecessary costs and delays when the estate was administered

3. Get notarized in your Will.

In front of two witnesses and an attorney, the purpose of the Will is stated and the notary takes notes and reads them. A testator and a witness shall sign or seal their own name after approving the accuracy of the notes. Notarization may prevent various disputes and allow the recipient of the will to exercise his/her rights. Minors, incompetents, quasi-incompetents, a recipient of the will, a spouse and testator’s children shall not be witnesses.


There is no legal requirement that a Will be drawn up by an attorney. Some people use fill-in-the-blank legal documents, computer programs, or online Will services to take care of basic concerns such as leaving their property to loved ones and naming a guardian for young children. However, there are a number of situations where it would be highly recommended to work with an attorney instead of trying to do it yourself:

• If you have significant assets.
• If you have a special-needs, disabled, or dependent adult child.
• If you’ve been divorced or re-married.
• If you think one of your heirs might contest your Will.
• If you own a business.
• If you are concerned about guardianship issues for minor children.
• If you’re raising grandchildren or stepchildren.

Here are some possible sources:

1: Your Pastor.
Your Pastor may know a qualified estate planning attorney. Even if he doesn’t know a Christian attorney, he can ask others for a referral because of his position.

2: A Friend or Business Acquaintance.
Accountants, bankers, insurance agents, business owners, realtors, and other trusted business people may be able to help you with a referral.

Here are the most common ways to significantly increase your ministry impact through your Will:

• Add “Ministry” to your family. Some families treat ministry organizations like an additional child. For example, if a family has three children, they might add a fourth child named “Ministry” and divide the assets in their Will into four equal parts. Each of their children would receive 25%, and the remaining 25% would be divided among their favorite ministry organizations.

• Tithe on your Estate. Other families commit a 10% tithe of their estate to the ministry organizations they love, dividing the remaining 90% among their heirs.

• Leave the remainder. Others prayerfully decide how much is wise to leave their loved ones, designating the rest of their assets to advance the Lord’s work here and around the world.

• Update an existing Will. An attorney can add, delete, or change an item in your Will with an additional statement called a “codicil.”

Like a Will, a codicil must be dated, signed, and witnessed.



Step 3


“We will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about his power and His mighty wonders.” (Psalm 78:4 NKJV).


Congratulations! You did it! What a great feeling to have your house in order and know that you have blessed your family and honored God with the resources He’s given to you.

Now What?

Use the resources included in this section to multiply the blessing of your Will to you, your family, and the ministries you love.


There are other times in life where confusion needs to be replaced with clarity. Take your family, for example. If Mom and Dad pass away without a simple Estate Plan, they miss the opportunity to pass along their values and valuables to the next generation with clarity, opening the door for confusion to strain family relationships.

The good news is that our “God is not a God of confusion, but of peace” (1 Corinthians 14:33), and we can live in that truth by taking steps to show love to our families and the ministries we care about.

Some financial advisors recommend that you set up a special place (e.g., a “Legacy File”) where all the documents your family will need are in one place when the time comes. Your Legacy File could include:

• Financial statements
• Funeral instructions
• Insurance information
• List of your monthly bills
• Passwords
• Tax returns
• Will or Trust
• Other important documents (i.e. your birth certificate and Social Security card)

In addition to helping your family keep the peace by communicating your wishes for your valuables, you can also help the next generation carry on your values by including a Legacy Love Letter in your Legacy File. Though not a legal document, a Legacy Love Letter is a written blessing to your family where you can express:

• Beliefs and values about God, children, marriage, and money
• Life lessons passed down from previous generations
• Message of hope and encouragement for the future
• Favorite Bible verses that have been meaningful to you

By creating a Legacy File, you’ll provide your family with helpful tools they need to carry out your desires in an orderly and peaceful way.

A Legacy Love Letter (sometimes referred to as an “Ethical Will”) is a document that traces its origins to Genesis 49:1-33, when a dying Jacob gathered his sons to offer them his blessing.

Because a Legacy Love Letter is not a legal document, and is not made for the purpose of distributing assets, the content and form of your letter is up to you. Here are three themes you may wish to cover in your Legacy Love Letter:

• Beliefs and Values. What do you believe about God? What are your guiding principles when it comes to marriage, raising children, church and ministry, handling money, etc.?
• Life Lessons. What were some of the defining moments of your life, and what did you learn from them? What experiences and people are you most grateful for?
• Message of Hope. What are some of the most meaningful passages of Scripture to you? What message of hope and encouragement do you wish to leave to your family and friends?

Dear Children,

We came across a beautiful passage in our quiet time with the Lord recently in Psalm 16 that says, “The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; yes, I have a good inheritance.” That verse prompted some heart-stirring conversations that we’d like to share with you.

We are so thankful for the “good inheritance” we have received from the Lord. As we grow older, we want each of you to know how much we love you and deeply appreciate the many ways you have enriched our lives. We’re especially pleased at the many evidences of the Lord’s blessings in your lives. And we want you to know that the greatest pleasure you could give us is to pass on to your children, as we have tried to do with you, that same commitment to live all of life motivated by love for God and neighbor.

We see our Will as an ongoing testimony of our love for the Lord and for you, and that is reflected in the way we have divided our estate among you and the ministries we love. We hope that when the time comes, someone would read Psalm 16, as an encouragement for our family to continue serving the Lord with gladness for generations to come.

We love you,
Mom and Dad

Make it easy for your loved ones to locate the documents they’ll need when the time comes with a Legacy File that includes the following:

• Duplicate Copy.
If you create a duplicate copy of your Legacy File for your executor and for a safe deposit box, you should provide contact and location information.

• Finances.
Provide a list of bank accounts, CDs, mutual funds, and other investments with institution names, account names, and account numbers.

• Funeral Instructions.
Provide details about your wishes for the funeral service, funeral home, & burial arrangements.

• Important Documents.
Create a “catch-all” file for all other important documents your family may need such as birth certificates, Social Security cards, titles, etc.

• Insurance.
Create a single file with all insurance information – including auto, home, life, health, disability, etc. List the company name, policy numbers, and contact information.

• Monthly Budget.
Include a copy of your monthly budget to help your family keep track of bills and run your household once you are gone.

• Passwords.
If you’re like most people, you have probably have a large and growing list of passwords, usernames, and PIN numbers for your bank accounts, websites, voicemail, and more. Make a list of these important access codes in a single file.

• Spiritual Will.
A Legacy Love Letter from you expressing your love for Christ and your family, and communicating your values, life lessons, and beliefs.

• Tax Returns.
It is recommended that you keep tax returns on file in the event that you are audited by the National Tax Service. This precaution will spare your family from a lot of unnecessary hassle if you are no longer around.

• Will.
A signed copy of your Will, including information about guardianship, beneficiaries, executor, power of attorney, financial accounts, and charitable interests.

A beneficiary designation is a statement of what charity or individual you want to receive the balance of an account after you pass away. Virtually any account can be transferred by beneficiary designation, including checking, savings, investment accounts, retirement accounts, and life insurance, etc. Beneficiary designations on each account help protect your assets from loss or misuse.

Next Steps In Your Journey

An up-to-date Will is one of the best gifts you can leave for your loved ones and the ministries you love such as Samaritan’s Purse Korea. But for many, the journey has just begun! Here are other ways that friends of Samaritan’s Purse Korea have extended their impact for the cause of Christ:

1. Reduce My Estate Taxes

2. Establish A Gift Annuity To Increase Your Current Income and Get a Tax Deduction

3. Reduce My Taxes Now with My Charitable Giving

Asset-based giving is a tax-smart way to extend your impact on the cause of Christ. This would include gifts of stocks, real estate, life insurance, fractional business interests, and other securities. Giving assets instead of cash results in:
  • Reduced taxes. By donating non-cash assets first – rather than selling them first, paying taxes and giving the net proceeds– you typically receive a tax deduction for the full fair-market value of your gift, as well as avoid capital gains taxes.

  • More to ministry. The capital gains taxes you save from giving the asset directly to charity means more goes to support the work of Christian causes, instead of going to the government.

  • Create an estate plan by consulting with a qualified estate planning attorney.

  • Personal savings. Because you receive the full tax deduction for the fair-market value of the asset, you’ll see great savings on your personal income tax returns. This means more money stays in your pocket for your lifestyle expenses and additional giving.

Many individuals have chosen to give appreciated assets to ministry with a “donor advised fund.” This technique may help simplify your giving by allowing you to make a single contribution, and then prayerfully decide which organizations and ministry projects you’d like to support now or later. Did you find what you were looking for? Feel free to contact us



Charitable Gift Annuities

A Charitable Gift Annuity is a simple, secure arrangement that benefits Samaritan’s Purse Korea, provides an income to you and/or a loved one, and offers substantial tax benefits.

Learn More →

Stock and Mutual Fund Giving

Did you know appreciated stocks, mutual funds, and bonds in a taxable investment portfolio can be transferred directly to Samaritan’s Purse Korea as taxwise gifts to support Kingdom work?

Learn More →

Personal Property

Did you know that Samaritan’s Purse Korea accepts gifts of personal property?

Learn More →

Real Estate Gifts

Properties that can be given to Samaritan’s Purse Korea include personal residences, vacation homes, commercial property or land.

Learn More →

Asset-Based Giving

With a little planning, the tax burden when liquidating appreciated assets—such as real estate—can usually be reduced or eliminated if you include charitable giving as part of the plan.

Learn More →

Charitable Trusts

A charitable trust allows you to bless a ministry you care about while still providing an income for you or your heirs. With a charitable lead trust, money is paid first to the ministry of your choice for a specified amount of time. Then, at the end of the trust period, the balance goes to a designated beneficiary. A charitable remainder trust reverses that order, paying your heirs first.

Donor Advised Funds

One of the simplest ways to give real estate, stocks, mutual funds or commodities is through a Donor Advised Fund. This is an account you create with a local community foundation of your choice (or we can recommend) for the purpose of setting aside money or assets, receiving immediate tax benefits, and allowing you the flexibility to distribute gifts over time. It’s like having your own charitable giving account.

Charitable Gift Annuities

A Charitable Gift Annuity is a simple, secure arrangement that benefits Samaritan’s Purse Korea, provides an income to you and/or a loved one, and offers substantial tax benefits. If you are 60 years or older (or 65 for two individuals), make a gift of 1 billion KRW or more with cash or appreciated stocks (part of which is tax-deductible), and receive fixed annuity payments for life or for an agreed term. The remainder of your gift goes to support the work of Samaritan’s Purse Korea at the end of the annuitant(s) lifetime or at the end of the agreed term.

Samaritan’s Purse Korea offers four types of gift annuities: immediate payment, deferred, flexible deferred, and commuted. Payment rates will vary depending on the number of annuitants, the age of the annuitants, the gift date, and the date when payments begin. You may receive payments on an annual, semi-annual, quarterly, or monthly basis.

If you have questions about Charitable Gift Annuities, please contact our Legacy Giving team.
Legacy Giving Team

The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an independent attorney or tax advisor.

Stock and Mutual Fund Giving

Did you know appreciated stocks, mutual funds, and bonds in a taxable investment portfolio can be transferred as gifts to support Kingdom work? Giving stocks (that you have held for more than one year) directly to a ministry provides a significant opportunity to avoid capital gains tax, receive a deduction at the full-market value of the securities, and simplify your giving. In fact, giving appreciated stock can be more beneficial than giving cash! Download our transfer instructions below to make this simple but tax-wise gift.

If you have questions about Charitable Gift Annuities, please contact our legacy planning team.
Legacy Giving Team

Stock Transfer Instructions


Most Korean brokerage firms are able to quickly and easily transfer your gift of stock or mutual funds to Samaritan’s Purse Korea electronically. When you call your broker to request the transfer of your gift, they will need the following information:

Internal Account No.


Account Name

Samaritan’s Purse Korea

Receiving Firm

SK Securities

Corporate Registration Number


Important Note

When you initiate a transfer with your broker, please contact Samaritan’s Purse Korea to provide the name of the stock / mutual fund, number of shares, your name and contact information so we may properly identify and acknowledge your gift. If you would like this gift to be designated for a specific project, please indicate that as well.

Special Handling

In some cases your stock or mutual funds might not be eligible to be transferred to Samaritan’s Purse Korea. Please contact Samaritan’s Purse Korea for special handling instructions to make this type of gift.

Legacy Giving Team

Personal Property

Did you know that Samaritan’s Purse Korea accepts gifts of personal property? Your personal property can become an investment in eternity by helping Samaritan’s Purse Korea deliver life-saving physical and spiritual relief in emergency situations.

The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an independent attorney or tax advisor.


  • Furniture, exercise equipment and home appliances
  • Pianos (and most other musical instruments)
  • Outdated medical equipment
  • Large electronics (including most printers, scanners, desktop computers, TVs and VCRs)
  • Timeshares and cemetery plots
  • Firearms
  • Anything you would see in a thrift store (books, housewares, apparel)
  • Anything considered objectionable by the law (including pornographic or illegal items)

Real Estate Gifts

An outright gift of real estate can be a major way to partner with Samaritan’s Purse Korea in providing help to hurting people in Jesus’ Name.

In many cases, appreciated real estate can be transferred to Samaritan’s Purse Korea as a tax-wise charitable gift.

  • Samaritan’s Purse Korea receives the generous gift of real estate.
  • In the year you make the gift, a charitable tax deduction is available for the fair market value of the property, as established by a qualified appraisal. If you are not able to use the entire deduction in the first year, then you have up to five additional years to use the remaining amount.
  • The property is sold by Samaritan’s Purse Korea, as a charity, relieving you of any capital gain tax you would have paid if you owned and sold the property yourself.
  • The full untaxed proceeds of the sale are available to be used as part of your legacy to meet the needs of hurting people in Jesus’ Name.

The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an independent attorney or tax advisor.

Samaritan’s Purse Korea will consider gifts of residential and commercial real estate as well as undeveloped land. A due diligence process is required before acceptance of a real estate gift.

If you would like to discuss a real estate gift, please contact our legacy planning team.
Legacy Giving Team

Asset-Based Giving

Most people when considering a gift to ministry look at their cash on hand, estimate the future need for that cash and give a portion that is generous within those confines. But cash is usually the smallest portion of their wealth. Assets such as investment portfolios, real estate and business interest often add up to more than 75% of a person’s wealth. The obstacle to using these appreciated assets is that an outright sale of the asset is often a tax-heavy event most people want to avoid.

With a little planning in advance, the tax burden when liquidating appreciated assets can usually be reduced or eliminated if you include charitable giving as part of the plan. An effective asset-based giving plan can capture tax you would pay on the sale of the asset and channel those dollars to ministry. Those gifts could be more than you ever thought possible, multiplying your impact for God’s kingdom.

More about Asset-Based Giving:

The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an independent attorney or tax advisor.

To discuss asset-based giving please call our legacy planning team.
Legacy Giving Team

Charitable Remainder Trust


Appreciated assets such as stocks, mutual funds, and real estate held for at least one year provide superior tax benefits when given to Samaritan’s Purse. The donor receives a charitable tax deduction for the gift, and also avoids tax on the long-term capital gain.

Often people are interested in making that type of charitable gift, but anticipate a need for additional income. One solution to consider is a Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT).

  • A CRT is created and a Trustee is named.
  • The assets (stock, mutual funds, real estate, etc.) are transferred by the donor to the CRT.
  • A charitable tax deduction is immediately available for a significant portion of the asset value.
  • The assets are sold tax-free by the CRT and reinvested to generate income.
  • Any capital gain attributed to the assets is not recognized within the CRT.
  • Income is paid to the donor for lifetime or for a term of years.
  • When income payments cease, the remaining value of the CRT is distributed to Samaritan's Purse to fulfill the legacy plan of the donor and help hurting people in the name of Jesus.

There are many variations of Charitable Remainder Trusts, and determining the best type for each situation requires expertise. Our legacy planning team can assist you and your professional advisors throughout the process.

Samaritan’s Purse Korea will consider gifts of residential and commercial real estate as well as undeveloped land. A due diligence process is required before acceptance of a real estate gift.

If you would like to discuss a gift of real estate or a retained life estate, please contact our legacy planning team.
Legacy Giving Team


  • Outright Gift

Make an Immediate Difference

You can meet some of our most pressing needs by donating cash. Plus:

• It’s easy to set up
• You potentially receive the maximum tax deduction
• You will see the immediate effects of your generosity

  • Bargain Sale

Create a Double Advantage

With a bargain sale, you sell real estate or other appreciated assets for less than fair market value to us.
The difference between the actual value and the sale price is the gift, for which you are eligible to receive tax benefits.

  • Charitable Lead Trust

Protect Your Heir’s Inheritance

If your estate is at a taxable level, a Charitable Lead Trust is a powerful way to pass more to your heirs and make a gift to us. How it works:

1.  You transfer assets into a lead trust

2. The trust pays us for a specified term

3. At the end of the term, the principal passes to your heirs with reduced tax liability

The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an independent attorney or tax advisor.

If you would like to discuss others, please contact our legacy planning team.
Legacy Giving Team
Are You a Legacy Partner? Tell Us About You.

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Thank You!

On behalf of Franklin Graham, thank you for your important partnership with Samaritan’s Purse Korea in reaching out to hurting people in the name of Jesus Christ.

When you include Samaritan’s Purse Korea in your Will or Trust we understand that you are responding to God’s guidance and direction for the future. He has put a plan in place that will use your gift to meet needs that may not be known today. Your faithfulness in making these plans is deeply appreciated and we pray will be part of your legacy.

Be encouraged that your legacy is one that shows a love for people and a huge desire to share the love of God with them. It is an eternal legacy; one that builds value in heaven where God himself will say one day “well done, good and faithful servant.”

Legacy Giving Team